Ship Twelve

I ship code to millions of users every week, and I’m proud of that work. Proud of my team, grateful for the impact we have on our customers, and constantly learning. All told, I’m lucky that I can say all that.

And yet… the ~/Projects folder on my computer is littered with half-finished work: prototypes I put together in a weekend and then never returned to, scaffolding for websites that I wanted to build but never quite got around to publishing. Maybe you have a couple of those too.

I've never abandoned anything out of pure neglect or disinterest. It’s just that—well, life gets busy! I have friends, and a family, and plenty of interests that don’t involve screens or coding—that is to say, a rich and gratifying life.

Still, when I see these half-complete endeavors, I feel guilty. Maybe a bit shameful, too, that I had enough excitement and inspiration to start something, but lacked the discipline to finish.

So this is the year I ship.

My goal is straightforward and easy to measure: I will ship twelve side projects by the end of 2025—one for each month of the year. They don’t need to be world-changing, or even life-changing. The only requirement is that I work on things I want to work on, get them to a reasonably satisfying point, and then share what I build with the world.

This site counts as Project #1, so if you’re reading this, it means I’ve completed at least one twelfth of my goal. ∎